Tuesday, February 10, 2009

DeNardo Update

Many of you, including long-time readers of this blog, may have heard me tell the tale of Daniel DeNardo, Alaska's one-man frivolous litigation factory. Check this post if you need a refresher on his attempt to blow up the world.

I looked into recent Alaska Supreme Court cases today, and yet another DeNardo decision came down on January 30. DeNardo v. Maassen is, like so many of his cases, a sequel to previous litigation. In an earlier case, DeNardo presented the theory that if your neighbor smokes, your apartment is uninhabitable and your neighbor and the landlord have both committed battery against you. Didn't work. Case dismissed. Affirmed on appeal.

Naturally, the only way Dan DeNardo can lose a case is if his opponent lies, so he brought another suit, naming the same defendants, plus their lawyers and the judge, accusing them of things like notary fraud (a DeNardo favorite). The most unique argument is that because landlords have to go through a court-supervised eviction process, landlords can be sued under the Civil Rights Act.

No points for guessing the outcome of this case.

Incidentally, DeNardo ran for the House this past election cycle, and took to YouTube to present his case for election. Go here to find out all about the kommunist kriminal konspiracy that's dominating Alaska politics and how Anchorage's sister city in Siberia is really a front for the treasonous lawyers to sell the state out to the Russians (or something).

(p.s. I haven't seen DeNardo file any defamation actions, but if you're reading this, Dan, I'm judgment-proof.)

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